Scalped 442


United States

Profile Information:

Mohawk Status:
Rocking now, Rocked in the past, Just like watching others rock them
Relationship Status:
About Me:
I posted this Web page for the following reasons:

(A) As a former member of the famed "All American" 82nd Airborne Division, whose paratroopers used to frequently get Mohawked while on summer maneuvers in Fort Bragg's vast outback pinelands, I wanted to tell the little-known and amazing MILITARY history of the Mohawk. Most Americans will be astonished to learn that it was clean-cut American paratroopers in World War Two's Normandy Invasion (genuine American heroes) who first popularized the Mohawk haircut. So it's the most All-American of all haircuts -- the most truly patriotic haircut of all. A tribute to "The Greatest Generation.".

(B) I wanted to tell the equally fascinating CIVILIAN history of the Mohawk. Would you believe the.first white man to be given that Indian warrior haircut happened over 200 years ago? You'll be amazed when you hear who he was.

(C) I wanted to compile the world's single largest collection of Mohawk haircuts to show how wildly popular the Mohawk is for star athletes and for Americans in all walks of life. This is it -- more than 150 rare and historical Mohawk photos.

(D) I wanted to analyze what it is about the Mohawk that makes it such a powerful bonding tool for athletic teams.

(E) I wanted to analyze just what it is about Mohawks that apparently causes so many people to think they're sexy -- including the anonymous woman behind me in a darkened theater who stroked my bristly tuft for 15 minutes without asking. (I loved it.)

(F) I wanted .to encourage other, more timid Mohawk admirers who may be reluctant to take the plunge to go ahead and submit to the hair clippers. I wanted to assure them that there will be very little adverse reaction, because the Mohawk is finally so well-accepted that most people will admire their guts . . . that most Americans really love Mohawks. As a quote from the New York Times put it: every American man should get Mohawked at least once in his life.
How Tall Are You With and Without the Mohawk:
My Mohawk is two inches tall (see profile photo). I like it tall enough for shock value -- tall enough to stand out like a beacon in a crowd and attract attention -- but short enough to still be acceptable in almost any social or business situation..

The height of mine is self-limiting. I don't like mine overly rigid -- so when it gets too tall to stand up with just a tiny amount of "Got2B Ultra Glued," I trim it.
How did you find
Googled Mohawks.

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  • Ryan French

    Sweet! New pics are great! I'll post let you know when I tie it into my show.

  • Sarai Marie

    sweet pictures, man!

  • Sarai Marie

    I have a lot of respect for the military. And hell, im just happy to see a few people still using this site. haha