Mohawks Rock

1. That's twice this month you've slipped deadly nightshade into my tea and run off. Nightmare Before Christmas - the Undead

2. You want a lesson? I'll give you a lesson. How 'bout a geography lesson? My father's from Puerto Rico. My mother's from El Salvador. Neither one of those is Mexico. Crash - Glam Kam

3. Are you able to see the white line painted on the floor directly behind you, Six-Double-Five-Three-Two-One? A Clockwork Orange -amanda

4.Did you know, Putnam, more people are murdered at ninety two degrees Fahrenheit than any other temperature? I read an article once - lower temperatures people are easy-going, over ninety two it's too hot to move but just ninety two, people get irritable.

5. Never take it seriously, you never get hurt. Never get hurt, you can always have fun. And if you ever get lonely, you just go to the record store and visit all your friends. Almost Famous - Glam Kam

6. We danced on the beach, kissed on the beach and dot, dot, dot. Mamma Mia - Adam the Ika Wrestler

7. Are you kidding me? It was a fucking paradise. They got pool... They got golf... Now I'm stuck with Mr. Happy here, sleeping on a fucking sofa. Look, I know you are a homo and all, but maybe you can appreciate this. You go to one of those places, there's four women for every guy. Can you imagine what that's like? Little Miss Sunshine - Alexis

8. Any problem on Earth can be solved with the careful application of high explosives.

9. How would Christ benefit from me putting my tongue in someone's mouth? Orgazmo- HerBDerb

10. Yeah, I'd like a big-tittied girl to lick peanut butter off my toes, but it ain't gonna happen. This is still a prison, man. She's a chick. They get busted from the women's facility upstate. Deathrace- morris

Views: 147

Replies to This Discussion

9. Orgazmo!
Oh man. I forgot about this classic! DVDA! ha ha ha
1. nightmare before x-mas
2. Crash
5. Almost Famous
6. is Mama Mia.
7. Little Miss Sunshine
1 is nightmare before christmas :)
4 is Club Dread! I think... And I'm sure I know 8, but can't put my finger on it :(
sorry, 4 is a toughy ^.^
10: Death Race (The new one, not the 1975 film which is called Death Race 2000)

#3 sounds familiar, but I can't place it :(


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