Mohawks Rock

Ok so these have to deal with the Original Trilogy. So since I narrowed it down to three movies I'm gonna change it up. Not only do you have to name the movie but also the *CHARACTER* that said it! Good Luck!!

So these were destroyed by Morris, Amy and Venom .
1. Would you prefer another target, a military target, then name the system!
2. Looking? Found someone, you have, I would say, hmmm?

3. Mos Eisley space port, you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy

4.Uh, we had a slight weapons malfunction, but uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

5. Why, you stuck up, half-witted, scruffy-looking nerf-herder

6. He's no good to me dead.

7.Good, I can feel your anger. I am defenseless. Take your weapon. Strike me down with all of your hatred and your journey towards the dark side will be complete!

8. Boba Fett? Boba Fett? Where?

9. I used to bullseye womp rats in my T-16 back home. They're not much bigger than two meters

10.You couldn't bring yourself to kill me before and I don't believe you'll destroy me now.

Big Star Wars Geeks better get these ones. *Bonus*

1.You watch yourself I have the Death Sentence on 12 systems.- I just need his name guys-hint-they say his name in the robot chicken spoof

2. Thats impossible even for a computer. - Right movie wrong character

3.Our cruisers can't repel firepower of that magnitude! Return of the Jedi- Admiral Akbar- Venom

4.They told me they fixed it! I *trusted* them to *fix* it! It's not my fault! the empire strikes back. lando calrissian- AMY!

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General Tarken or Tarkin or something like that.

I couldn't remember his rank. I'm sure that's his name.

I *think* number 2 of the bonus questions is Biggs, when they are discussing the plan of attack on the Death Star (followed by Luke saying quote #9 in the list)

Bonus #3 is either Admiral Akbar or Lando Calrissian. But I think it's Akbar

Bonus #1 is in the Mos Eisley Cantina, but I can't remember his name. :(
AHHHH!!!!! Holy SHIT!!! It didn't save! I answered alomost all the rest as an edit to my earlier comment! It took me like 15 minutes to type all that shit out!!!!! Maybe I'll try again tomorrow when I have more time! EPIC FUCKING FAIL!!!!

All I have time for is that Mandies would kick Koward Klingon ass!
Ah, fuck it, I love star wars to much.....

Give morris up there cred for one.

2 is Yoda in Empire

3 is Ben "Obi-Wan" Kinobi in Hope

4 is Han in Hope

5 is Leya in Hope

6 is... well, i actullaly can't remember that one :( But I'm pretty sure its to one of the bounty hunters in Empire by Tarken er whats-his-name

7 is Emperor in Jedi

8 i don't know

9 is Luke in Hope

10 might be Vader in Jedi?

Bounus one is the mean ugly guy in the bar on Mos Eisley (Dont beleive his name was given, if so, i don't remember)

Bounus 2 was a pilot in the breifing in Hope. On the prolly on chance his name was given, it was Luke's friend from home who *SPOILER* dies later

Bonus 3 is Admiral fucking Akbar in Jedi. "Your tonges can't repel flavor of this magnitude!" - Admiral Akbar's cereal box

NOTE: I did have this all typed in b4 the comment above, but it didn't save. I'm not a whiney bitch, and still beleive that morris should have the ones he put in above, just needed say this to get the small sense of self satisfaction and misreble esteme boost for all this work :(

Good quotes, and may the shwarts be with yooooooowwwwweeeeuuuuuu.........
If it's Luke's friend that died, then it's Biggs.
Luke's other friend (Wedge Antilles) survived and was in the X-Wing series of video games.

btw, I answered 2-9 earlier ;)
I just saw and feel like a fucking idiot, so much for self esyeem boost XD. I also gave ur quote one a try, but prolly failed misrebaly...... again.....

But bravo to you, my man! U kick some major ass
No, I just had good timing. Because I spend every waking moment on the internet.

btw you didn't fail.
Actually guys its not Biggs. If you remember in the extended Edition they added that seen with Biggs and he has a moustache.
Crap. Looks like I'll have to rewatch the movies. I thought I knew them backwards :(
Damn! I CAN'T remember his name! I think it might be something with a Y or some other odd letter, but I'm not not gonna wathch the movie, I'll leave it to the best nerd among us! ;P
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