Mohawks Rock

Ok so what makes everyone here "geeky" or "nerdy"? As in what are your interests?

I am way into StarWars (I have a Boba Fett Tattoo), Comics (want a superhero tattoo), collectables, the occult and Gaming( both video and table top).

So what about everyone else?

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ah ok. ill look into them more when i finish the stack of books i got for my birthday lol
ah ok. ill have to check them out. and lol at only reading car and driver
Unforgotten Realms is better. lol ^.^
Being that I haven't seen any EVER... I am going to assume that I'm one of the worlds only Otaku and PC gamer with a mohawk... please tell me otherwise /g/!
I used to be a Otaku. I haven't followed anime for years though, although I'm going through the Battle Royale Manga (I've watched the movie and read the book. Now I've got all but the last 3 books in the comic)

PC Gamer - I've been playing games for over 23 years. Started off as a PC gamer (One of the earliest is Leisure Suit Larry on my XT) I now have consoles and PC. In fact until recently my PC had 4 monitors.
I've never actually gotten around to Battle Royale. I just got down to watching Death Note a little while ago after my friends wouldn't stop harassing me about it and I must say it's actually really good. I jump around a lot between different series because I'm having trouble finding english versions of a lot of the weird stuff i like.

I do what I can with my computer. It's cursed with the horror of vista and because I lack the admin password I can run few applications... but Steam somehow works along with all of Valves games. So I play a shitload of Team Fortress 2 with my friends.
Steam ID? tdp_killer is mine.
I dont know if it counts, but my poison would be movies, mainly horror and cloverfield. lol. Cloverfield is my favorite movie.
my others poisons would be the silent hill games, Dragon Ball Z, Death Note, Stephen Hawking's theories ( I own his book " A Brief History Of Time")
comics, both comic books and comic book cartoons.
the redwall series. i've read every book and i'm trying to collect them now.
dragon ball and dragon ball z.
i used to be into pokemon but it got lame.
web comics.
i used to play a lot of video games.
the super Nintendo is my favorite system but since mine disappeared i stopped playing video games for the most part.
I love redwall!
whats ur favorite book?
i personally love martin the warrior, lord brocktree and of course redwall.
COMICS. I pretty much cum every time I go in a comic book shop.
I would rather read a comic then talk to anyone. Always.

I am big into video games.
I won't list the games but you can always ask me. This is my set up (no pic, meh)

My set up
Bluetooth headset - jabra BT8040
Guitar hero controller - slash guitar - I actually don't even enjoy this game that much if at all... sorry i just don't
Guitar hero controller - Reg guitar
God of war PSP
Xbox 360
Sega Genesis
DS light
Game boy color
Game Boy Advance
Nintendo 64

I am also a transformers/beast wars/beast machines fan
I do enjoy star wars AND star trek Oh yea. I mean I can't remember everything and i'm not going to spit out facts about them to you but I would lie if i didn't mention i really really enjoy them.

I am a sc-fi and fantasy nerd as well.


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