Mohawks Rock

I know that normally having a mohawk is a pretty unique and special thing, but here in this community where most people have one, what is different about your mohawk? Is it a bihawk/trihawk? Do you have a little one growing off to the side? Do you fan the top and spike the back? leopard print or checkered sides?

I wanna hear some unique things outta you guys. My 'hawk really isnt that unique except for that I shave off about an inch or two of the very back of mine

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Mine has no special look or feel to it. Other than the impressive height of over a foot. Which seems to be rare now. The reason i have mine is that its a spiritual thing. I had three friends, all of which had a mo-hawk, die in the same car accident. So its my way of rememberign them,a nd celebratign their memories. It has a deeper meaning, its not just hair to me.
thats relly nice dude, if some off my friends would die I think I shuld get a tattoo of ther hawks or somthing but not do a hawk in ther memorie, cuse I would never get that kind of idea but I think it's a relly speciel hawk in memorie of your friends :D:D
I've got a litle bit shorter in the back so I can't do spikes there so i do about half in spikes and the other half a normal hawk, I think it's pretty awsom :D
Mine is 2 inches shorter in the middle.... because I accidentally cut part of it when I was shaving the sides
Mine is a cross between a Death Hawk (Which I prefer ) , and what I like to call 'Spartan Hawk'
I do like it curvy and the longer the better I always say!

sshe has scary boobs :(
i was just thinking the same thing....
makes me happy i got none
I got a usual main middle hawk(that i never fan or spike because i m bored to) usualy with the yellow of the bleach(bored to dye it too) also i got a left side-half hawk( i got hair only on the top,not at the back).I ve never seen it.But now that i think it better,i think that it would be better to have a hole side-hawk...
Yeah, mine does that too kind of.
i have a typical black mohawk with long black sideburns deathrock style, i sometimes make 2 or 3 spikes stick out horizontally out of the right sideburn
i never put mine up, not cuz i dont want too but cuz im way lazy hah. but i tease the shit out of it so it stays back and big. oh and when i was going to school, i was the only girl with a mohawk


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