Mohawks Rock

Geeks and Nerds often play a lot of video games here you can talk about your favorites or the worst games you've played, and games you you have been addicted to. Also funny video game related stories.

1. What is your favorite?
2. The Best Video Game you played?
3. Most addictive game you played?
4. Another video game that you would like to recognize and why good or bad?

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Tried Quake Live yet?
What? Why would you need a 360 for Quake live?
1. Currently, that'd be Need For Speed - Carbon, very atmospheric free-roaming mode and nice car handling.
2. At the time, Mario 64.
3. Dungeon Master.
4. Giants - Citizen Kabuko. Both funny and varied in gameplay - a mix of 3rd person shooter/flier with RTS in the later stages.
Windows, Mac and PS2.
Ohhh... where do I start.

1. Hard to pick a favourite, but I have every Final Fantasy game released in Australia. Plus many many CD soundtracks and figures from the games.
2. Best video game? Hmm... based on what criteria?
3. Most addictive. I constantly played the various Guitar Hero games and Rockband too when they came out.
I even dressed up for work to promote the games. I'm waiting for the next one because I have a mohawk now and it would be better than my mullet wig
4. Leisure Suit Larry. It is one of the first I played back in the late 80s/early 90s. It started my love of adventure games.
Al Lowe (Larry's creator) is a really awesome and down-to-earth guy.

Larry is one of the reasons I'm a gamer.
I'm waiting to see if Motion Plus gives us the responsive Wii Remote we all expected.
I admit it's fun, but there are a number of games on the PS3 that I really enjoy playing too. But then again I have all of the current consoles
Not long now until we find out...June release AFAIK. I have to admit I am keen to try the sword fighting in Wii Sports Resort. I'm wondering what other mini-games they'll put in that one, apart from the jetski and discus throwing.

I just hope the 3rd party developers start to take it more seriously after the Motion Plus.
fav at the moment is still BF 2142 , you get to travel the world and meet interesting people then frag em :)
Fear & half life two were both very visual games , the start of the high end graphics cards .
resident evil on playstation with no memory card , between four of us 3 days to complete non stop , my poor eyes :)
pirates mod for BF2 so cool at lans , shiver me timbers .
if ya play BF 2142 look out for me , screen name Tampon
My favorite game is Team Fortress 2.

The Half-life 2 series always hold well!

im stuck between the two games that have drained most of my life... either Team Fortress 2 or Tetris on my cell phone... its just something that i would pick up and play for hours and hours when i was at school under the desk....

lastly i want to mention a Korean shooter called "Wolf Team". a game based very loosely on counter strike AND you can turn into a werewolf. oh and its chock full of really funny engrish. "SNAKE ATTACK!" "THE KING IS CAPTURED!" "BABY WOLF!"
1. My current favorite is Left 4 Dead (can't wait till they release the new content!)

2. Best? Hmm... I'd have to say Diablo 2.

3. Most addictive... Just about any of the Elder Scrolls series.

4. Fallout 3. Why? Slow-mo zombie head shots. "PEW!!.. SCHLKSKSS....KAPOW!!!!" <-(My attempt at sound effects on the interwebs.)
DUDE L4D!!??? That game is amazing!!!


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