Mohawks Rock

Ok, so I LOVEEEE my new red hair, but its getting EVERYWHERE. D:<
It just seems to rub off on anything it touches. Ive used poppy red by punky color. Ive never had a problem like this before with this dye.

Any suggestions?

Home remedies?

Or products that seal color?

My pillows, skin, clothes, boyfriends couch >.> , and oh so many other things thank you.

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Color stay shampoooo.

My pink (Rose Red by Punky) used to rub off on walls. It was kinda entertaining just sitting around in my friends basement. you could always tell where I'd been sitting cause thurr would be pink smears on the wall

How long ago did you dye it? Cause my pink only every did it real bad right after I dyed or redyed it. I found after 2 or 3 washes it stoped
Just once.

I'll try washing it a few more times.
I just hate washing it - the color is soooo pretty now. I'm afraid it will get pinky after a while. =/
With one or two washes it should stay very close to the color it is when you first wash it. Just make sure you use color stay shampoo. I've always used 'color me happy' by herbal essences (I think it's herbal essences, if not I know it's called color me happy and it's in a blue bottle lol) I've never done red but my pink, dark green, light green, blue and teal (horrible color :p) all stopped rubbing off (for the most part, like if you reaaaally rub against something it kinda tends to come off, but then you also look like a crazy lunatic rubbing their head on a wall) after 2 or 3 washes. If you can scratch your head and it comes off on your fingertips or nails you can pretty much assume it's going to come off on everything.

edit: I also just kinda of realized, if you go look at this picture you can see my part is still blue as well as my roots, that was dyed the night before the Zombie Walk and it was still rubbing off. After 2 or 3 washes the color comes right out of my roots (it refuses to stick to my natural hair lol) and stops being visible on my skin and all rubby off



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