Mohawks Rock

The 'people' here just shout "I am delusioned! I love deceit because if I believed the truth, I would be convicted!!!!"

You people (majority) are so mindless and will agree with anything as long as it sounds 'reasonable' or accepted by society.

Well, here's the truth, you are the minority and sooner or later you will realize how ignorant and passive you have become.

Mind-controled sheep!!

You're all like the people of Germany who knew exactly what was going on in Nazi Germany.. you knew about the concentration camps and didn't do anything about.
But hey, you'll be burying my dead body.
Shame on you.

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I hope you realize you just called a group of people that are largely termed 'abnormal', 'weird', or 'punk' conformists to things that are 'reasonable' and 'accepted by society'. Yeah. That really sounds like the majority of the people here. Riiiiiiight. Might want to can I be nice about less...stupid?
i think a site about Mohawks...with the majority of the people WITH mohawks are far from "sheep".

i can only speak for myself, but your throwing these claims around with EXTREMLY biased(and may i add un-reliable) sources. on top of that, the claims you make are so mind numbing. something like blaming the president for the lose of jobs. if im not mistaken, it was the company's sending out CEO's on multy million dollar paid vacations, as they fired people.

your simply looking at the problems in America and you with many people are throwing them on top of the president, and its not like the normal person going"why hasn't he done anything yet"(hes been in power for under a year) but your going "its all his fault, he made this happen". i don't follow American politics, why?because im not American, but that shit was shoved down my throat. and your non-stop claims about random bullshit is flooding the forums(literally, last night the WHOLE viewable debate section was covered).

i left a comment on one of your videos last night, it was mainly towards you, but i was hoping for an answer, iv yet to receive one.
what im looking for?
reasons on why hes such a bad guy, and what make him a 'socialist'. i would enjoy reliable sources for your claims.(no fox) and i would enjoy links to everything you claim.

by no means am i trying to trash on you, but calling people sheep becuse there eaither ignoring you or dont agree with you is a bit ignorant.

and the people in Nazi Germany didn't do anything cuz they got killed if they did, the video you posted of the guy with the nazi Germany he would have been shot. im sure you wouldn't have done anything eaither. "easier said then done" as they say.
hey, its a free country.
and yea, this website is ridiculous with all you people thinking you're so unique and different from the rest of the world.

and hey, i'll say this again.

if you don't like my posts, don't read them

you're really wasting your time.
are you not part of this site. there's tons of people like us in the world, but in total were a pretty small percent. could you tell me how many job opportunities there are for people with Mohawks? cuz if you could id love to hear them and im sure the other 1000+people here would too.

its kinda funny, when i call you out all you can say all of a sudden is "you don't have to read my posts" yet you made this POST because people refuse to believe you.

im all for hearing crazy theory's, however put some backup behind them. you call us mindless sheep because we take information from many different sources and make our own opinion. iv yet to see more then 3 lines of your own opinion in any of your posts, its all copy and pasted form some bullshit website that doesn't know what there talking about, along with random graphs with no source that i could amke in 5 minutes on MS Word.

you my friend are the mindless sheep, you don't like obama so your taking every story you hear, every theory you hear and spewing it out like a printer, you don't even know what your talking about.

and like i said, prove me wrong.


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