Mohawks Rock

just wondering what would be the worst way to die ? I have seen many death's and I think I have now seen the worst way to die , what does every one else think it could be ?

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Yeah being burned to death is pretty bad.
I said decapitation because if you do live for up to five minutes that has to be agonising. And if you see it coming and know it's about to happen that gotta be pretty extreme to.
haha well the best wai to kill (in my opinnion)
would be to pump fast acting cement down a persons throat and watch as they suffocate...then when the cement dries i imagine that their stomach would drop owt their asses) yah nasty i kno..
I think being imprisoned in your own body would be terrible. Like maybe being a vegetable or having some sort of medical condition that slowly paralyzes you. I know there are a few that do that.

I couldn't imagine being a prisoner in my own body, just waiting to die. Not being able to say anything, even twitch a finger. Fuck, you couldn't even pick up a gun to shoot yourself with.
Ebola is supposed to be pretty bad. I'd imagine something like swallowing a razor so that you cut your throat and slowly drown in your own blood.
That's how they kill cows for kosher beef.
They choke to death on their own blood.

Being a vegetarian for the win.
drowning in whale cum (unless thats what your into)
i think drowning in general, or choking.
Drowning, or needing to eat yourself. Or suffocation. Or being shattered after being dipped in liquid nitrogen.
Being slowley eaten alive by a canaball...
Being drawn and quartered. As for the way I want to die...piano falling on my head from a multiple story building.
tied up in a dark and being eaten alive by rats has to be the worse I think,that has happend to people you know


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