Mohawks Rock

Hi everyone, it seems that I just cant get the back of head to fan for a full fanned mohawk. I can get the top perfect but the back just dosent wont to spred. Any help pleeese

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I've been having trouble in this area too.
use a little hair spray, comb and blow it, run hair straightener over it and then comb out again and repeat until you have the shape you want. Then keep adding spray a little at a time and blowing and straightening it.

I have found that with my hair, adding the spray a little at a time is much more effective and quicker in the long run than adding a massive amount in the beginning. It makes the hair heavy (and also curls my hair) It saves time, it saves hairspray, and it just makes it easier all around for me.
I'm building up the mohawk all this week so by the weekend it'll be rocking like never before!
youve just gotta take your time do it bit by bit - you might not be able to get it perfect but you can get it close


get someone else to do it lol
I got it fantastic - then it rained! Still looked kinda cool though. I put it up again today with PVA glue and there'll be a pic added as soon as they get developed.
Just to update: the pics aren't in yet but the back looked fantastic with PVA.


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