Mohawks Rock

who has the most shortest hawk or uneven hawk?
what do you do to make it look nice?
lol random question.

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thats how mine was when it was short.

theres a kid at my school who has his head buzzed (close but not shaved) and he just dyed a strip in his hair to make a "mohawk"

god i hate people
Sounds like quite the bitchass. There's TOO many of those pussies running around
Haha, mine is uneven. The front is about 6 inches while the back is only like 2. But mine goes down in front of my face like a devil lock instead of in the back like most others. :P
I remember about a year ago when I saw annotations of an autopsy and they all had shaven hawks, the singer (who is normally bald) had like a strip of fluff down the middle of his head, it looked funny as fuck.
There were a bunch of preps in the school I used to go to that would shave their head to be like bald shaved and then have like 2cm tall 3in. wide "mohawk".
lol, yeah these guys were really dumb. like Cameron Frisby. He got his initials tattooed to the backs of his arms and thought he was black. (I'm not racist, some of my best friends are black. just really annoys me when white ppl act black). And on top of that, after he got his head shaved like that he thought he was the coolest hottest thing in the school even though all my friends (which was over half the school, had a lot of cool kids luckily) hated him. :P

and there was around 9 preps that did that to their hair. haha, then there was me. the only one at my school with one besides my gf. :P
he means to act "thug" or "hood" or "gansta"
for one..just a thought guys but i talk "white" for me its more like i dont want to talk gangter or hood. its dumb. i rather talk like i have been in school which to black people around me , they call it (white talk) which is stupid lol. i dont know my point but i made it.
yeah i really didnt get your point ether XD

but for me it dont really piss me off when a white guy is trying to "act" black but its when you got some middle class rich kid living in suburbia thinking hes the hardest gangster (in my school every wangster thinks hes a blood/crip) in the world (not limited to only white ppl but any one for that matter)
that is very true. lol and ya..i warned you guys i didnt know what my point was =D


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