Mohawks Rock

anyone been successful with backcoming and not using hairspray. i was trying it just because and it lasts for about an hour. Just wondering if there are any techniques to make it last longer. 

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use a really fine tooth comb, start REALLY close to the base working out then use a wider toothed comb and starting at the tips push all the hair towards the base. repeat.
Greasy hair? I used to be able to get my hair to stay up with less product if it had gone a few days with out being washed.
i can do it without hairspray. i just use a teasing comb and then a skinny course natrual hair brush, to smooth it out. my hair is very dry and corse though so that probably helps it it stay. i just tease the hell out of it, then go over it with the brush to shape it how i want, it usually last 1-2 days with a few touch ups here and there
where can i get a teasing comb?
Anywhere they sell hair products. Sally's would be my best guess for the cheapest.
yeah i either got mine at sallys or walmart
have you found that an aluminum or plastic one works better? or are they about the same. i went to a few hairplaces and walmart and didnt really find much.
i use a plastic one, havent tried a metal one though, my hair is natrually really dry and course though because i have a lot of cherokee in me so that really helps. the closer the teeth on the comb are to each other the better it will tease though.


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