Mohawks Rock

the only thing holding me back from getting a job is i wont be able to dye my hair....

so i was thinking what job allows it/doesnt care?

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well, i just got a job at KFC and my hair is dyed purple..... they said it doesnt make a difference because we have to wear hats anyways, so im assuming any job where you have to wear a hat wont care much.
oh epic.!!!
ive noticed places like target and walmart and becoming more open to the way people look. "alternative" stores like hot topic or spencers allow alot. small/private owned businesses have a better chance of being more open to it. you just gotta apply and if they have a stick up their butt about some dyed hair then fuck them. just keep looking and dont give up.
awww thank you. yeah target is my #1 choice.
well im a roofer with a super huge mowhawk and tatts and you pretty much can dress,wear and color your hair any f,ing way you want ,,,but i highly suggest that you don't become a roofer lol the pay is good but wtf? some things we have to endure just aren't humanly possible lol
haha like what do u have to endure exactly?
105 temps,pitch,fiberglass''thats gets under your skin and hurts like hell'',sun burn dehydration heatstrokes,,lol chemical burn lol you name it
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