Mohawks Rock

Are you tired of everyone complain about "the fake punks" "the posers" "the plastic punks".
It seem to be punk you need to spend hour apon hours reading history and band bios befor you can buy a shirt for a band on a cd you bro gave you.

I sick of all of you people that rant saying there in it for the style. You claim being punk is about a individuality yet when some one doesn't fit your definition of a "real" punk.
Its always on some level been about the cloths else they wouldn't have worn bondage and swastikas for shock value. they would have just made music.

And since you seem to think "punk" is knowing all about the movement, ands and scene then would the first "punk" never have been punk at all, the were no bands for him/her to idolize and memorize no movement to remember. It was about the shows, the cloths and having a good fucking time.

Now all you elitist fucks shut up, and leave the poser alone. If you must punch his teeth out in a pit.

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i've met bitch-ass travelers, too. the kind that think you need to be begging for money rather than earning cash honestly. i've also met travelers that find odd jobs to work to make money.
fuck people like that.
hey. I've done plenty of spanging for cash in my day, and I do it still. Sometimes you simply just can't get a job. Whether because you don't have a home you can go home to everyday, or because you don't have enough experience. You just have to do what you can to live.

But I hate that kind of stereotypical bullshit.
it's the fact that some travellers think that you're only "punk" if you're asking people for money and piss on you if you have a job that we're getting at. not all are like that, and that's fine. but the ones who are are pretty shitty.
I agree. I think that like every subculture, it has a fashion, but that doesn't mean everyone who looks remotely similar to another is a poser. people are drawn to subcultures like punk because of similarities, in musical taste, in lifestyle, and lastly fashion. People who are drawn to the same subculture, sometimes have the same taste in clothing, so just because lots of punk wear spikes on leather, it doesn't make them poser to do so, as long as they are actually members of the scene. While punk to an extent is about individuality, it doesn't mean that you can never have anything thing in common with others. I dont know how much sense that made, or if it related to this post
I say who cares what it's about, just have fun with it. fuck everyone else.
WOOOOOO the style!!!!!


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