Mohawks Rock

Let's discuss things that have happened to us at work.

I have two situations, one for each job. Advice would be helpful, I'm trusting you guys! haha

Sorry this first part is super long....

First of all, my year-round job is at a Dollar tree store, not exciting, poor pay, but it's all I can get at the moment. I have a psycho manager, and I mean the 'I'm going to be nice to your face and then lie to the Store manager and other employees about you' type psycho. This manager and I got along fine at first, but her true colors came through quickly. To the point, she threatened myself and two other employees that she would fire us if we did not show up for whatever shift she gave us, due to college availability. At this point we had enough, I was the first of us three to call our 'care line' and filed a harassment case, the others did so as well. The district manager handled it well, and brought in other managers to lighten the work load and demoted the crazy one (which was in her benefit due to food stamps etc.) Now she thinks I was the only one to call, and did so three times and is out to make me even more  miserable. What can I do?

Seasonal job #2: I work at Frightworld, haunted house. Customers in the area are very verbally abusive, disrespectful and rude. I've been stepped on as well. Advice?

Thanks if you read through all my crap

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Thanks, I had hoped I didn't overreact, so it's reassuring :)
It's so frustrating that the haunted house management knows what we go through and we're told to grin and bear it.
in what ways are being harrassed at the haunted house? if its someone yelling at you for scaring them its kind of understandable, though not nice in anyway for you. when people jump out at me my natural instinct is to defend myself, if they get lucky and i dont hit them then im usually very angry..its never been something i can help, i just dont like it. but these reasons are why i stay away from haunts..its a shame other people dont have the manners to do the same.
It's not just like "holy fuck!", it's you're a ugly ho! And worse.
i agree, i didnt have troubles with my really old giant green hawk when i worked at a haunted house type job tho:/
ugly hoe?! wtf ur fucking drop dead sexy serious. people are so strange


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