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Is anyone else here religious in some sort? Personally I am a Christian.

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yea it could solve alot of problems, if everybody just accept and understand other peoples differences. 


I mean people dont have to become a different religion or live a different cultural lifestyle, just understand it.

I don't believe in anything supernatural. The universe is the universe, a big mess of matter and energy with no outside influences. However, I don't like to label myself as atheist, since it describes what you're not, instead of what you are, but I haven't found a suitable word for what I am, yet.
agreed, kinda, I know what I'm not (for example; theist, a cat, a woman... learned that the hard way)
I like this.

The only way I can tell if somebodies religious is if they're screaming "I LURVES ME SUM JEZUS AND YOU SHUD TOO" while throwing bibles at passing by cars. THOSE people I can't stand, that and Atheistic Satanism, isnt that kind of ironic?

not religous but i believe in a creator that i wont worship
i was raised in a non religious home, yet my mom stuck me in a private school for a bit for the education. i was a satanist for 9 yrs, and after the anger wore me out (also not happy with how the church is run), i latched on to buddhism, it out of anything i've ever studied has helped me be a peace. ^.^

I've been a Christian in every respect of the word for fifteen years and it just keeps getting better. Never mind being raised by a Christian family, (international missionaries) my faith is my own.


I think the established church has gotten confused, sure, and I don't know how long God took in making the friggin' universe, and I have no idea where my baby brother who didn't make it is, and more.


But Jesus saved me.


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