Mohawks Rock

kids have there lives messed up because of drug search

39 kids were expelled from my school today, lots more were searched including myself. the administration put some kids on the task of eves dropping on conversations the last month and took notes of it. they checked facebooks and pulled every student that has talked about doing drugs selling drugs or having drugs. today they turned in there so called "work" and all of us were searched. more than half of the students expelled wer expelled for bottles of advil, normal medicens for there illness, and aderal. only about 5 kids were caught with dime bags. no REAL drugs were ever found at all. now all these strate A students lost all there scholerships and basically there whole life plan and are now in jail or in a program because of this dumb shit. now the entire student body is protesting the school and serving the snitches wut they deserve. tomarow will be complete chaos and will more than likly be on the news.  KEEP IN MIND MANATEE HIGHSCHOOL IS AN A SCHOOL WITH THE LOWEST CRIME RATE IN THIS PART OF FLORIDA. Wut do you guys take of this? honest opinions even if its not wut peaple want to here.

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you bring anything to school it says not to and get caught, your fault so dont complain you knew the consequences, i carry tobacco on me at school like every day, whether its chewing tobacco or smoking, i never got caught,THANKFULLY lol but just gotta be smart about things yall
At my high school. Yes, we had rules about medicine and everyone knew them. But the teachers never cared. They would give us medicine for a head ache or ask us for some and shit like that, but I live in a small town. The only thing we really have out here is weed and pills. And just about everyone does them. First of all... I would never put anything about drugs on my facbook or any other page of mine. And if I got caught with excedrine and they tried to take my scholarship away or anything like that, then I would counter sue for invasion of privacy or something like that. Because that is pretty much what they did when they had their "student spies." Plus their little "spies" could have just told them names of people they hate. Laws are also different between states, so I have no idea what legal action those students' parents can take.


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