Mohawks Rock

its been about eight months of putting in applications to all over the town. so far I've had several interviews, but no actual job, i keep trying with no real hope for a job. I dunno, does any one else share my problem, or do things just work out for you?

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I don't have to work yet thank the lord. although i have applied for a store in my city which is a greaser\punk\rockabilly store and they seem pretty conservative, well one guy does. They said nope.. dam them =\. try wearing a wig to interviews then when they ask why the wig reveal ur awsome hair
unemployment is thru the roof right now. if your in a smaller town u will probably really feel the effects of the bad economy. try, thats how i found work. or try like fast food or something for the time being. i saw a mcdonalds that said they were starting at $8, which is huge, cuz when i worked there i was making 5.75 /hour.
i tried a couple times
well things are looking up, seeing as my constant being in stores tryng to aply has made me a couple new friends, including managers, but still i agree with nick, i live in a relatively small town and alot of stores are going out of business, but i guess i just gotta keep trying.
Make sure you're dressed nice and just keep at it. If you don't have a resume, try making one and turning it in with your application. You walk into subway with a shirt, tie and a pofessional looking resume. You'll knock they're socks off. Also, did you check out classifieds? is a really good place to get your resume lost. I've heard that smaller more niche sites tend to work better. For instance in computers I like to use

The other site I'd recommend at least reading is Its geared toward people looking for 100K+ jobs, which you may not be looking for; but if you can knock out resumes and interviews with tips the big wigs use, that can only help your cause.

Finally on last night they were talking about the economy and saying that sectors like oil and logging were doing really well still. Not sure how that helps, but sometimes its useful to just take a look at an industry and see what other work might spring from that that you could do. For instance, I might look for logging companies that need a website to do business or somebody else may look into chainsaw blade manufacturing plants.

The biggest thing you can do however, sounds like you are already doing, and that is to build your network of contacts. I think they said something like 2/3rds of jobs are still hired from person 2 person contacts and networking.
yeah, after i got my job from monster my dumb ass left my resume up. got a letter several months later saying "we're sorry, but your information was stolen. i hope you still trust". lucky they dont ask for any real important info on your monster account. name, email address, phone number, work history, address.
Man i have the exact same problem. Though I am only 16 I really need money and only one interview so far. Im losing hope


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