Sarai Marie


Edmonton, Alberta


Profile Information:

Mohawk Status:
Rocking now, Rocked in the past, Thinking about rocking it sometime, Just like watching others rock them
Relationship Status:
About Me:
Im twenty two years old. I've been rockin' the mohawk since I was 15 years old. I love Punk rock, metal and the classics. I enjoy drawing and painting as well as reading, movies, being outdoors and confrontation. I've got a few interesting stories, if you want to get to know me, just shoot me a comment or a message. :D
How Tall Are You With and Without the Mohawk:
How did you find
an old friend

Comment Wall:

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  • Scalped 442

    Thanks so much, Sarai Marie, for the nice comment on the Mohawk photos I posted.  It's so nice to know the extra effort provided someone with enjoyment.

  • Giant Mohawk Man

    Sorry, I just now saw your comment but thank you for the kind words. Though I'm sorry to hear you had tough times I'm glad the community was here for you. The website itself is just a bunch of random code (that's fairly dated at this point) but it's always been the community of people that made it special.

  • Sabine Schmidt

    WOW thanks what kind of mohawk would you consider for me?