Mohawks Rock

I don't post here so much any more but I guess you guys ought to know, my hawk's gettin the chop tomorrow/saturday, all the way! it had a good run, just getting waay to difficult to spike & I can't be dignified with a smaller hawk haha.

Views: 77

Comment by scumtriumphant on November 17, 2011 at 8:40pm

awwww :( ah well, you'll have some good memories of it anyway.  Make sure you get some before and after pics up if you can bear it!

Comment by Kobalos on November 18, 2011 at 1:19am

I know how you feel - still, the 'hawk can always make a comeback if you ever feel like it again in the future.


And you can still enjoy the site with or without a 'hawk as you feel like it.

Comment by Patches on November 18, 2011 at 3:10am
I agree with Kobalos, always time for a comeback and don't look down on short Mohawks, I have kept short ones for the simple fact that they are less hassle. Plus you can be creative with or without any certain length or hairstyle :)
Comment by Alextreme on November 18, 2011 at 7:47am

Haha oh yeah i'll still be online to see what i'm missing! and I shall most certainly grow another one in the future :D I gotta come up with a whole heap load more chat-up lines that don't involve my hawk now though, pain!

Comment by Patches on November 18, 2011 at 1:32pm
Lol good luck with the lines
Comment by Kobalos on November 19, 2011 at 2:51am

heh Now there's a thread in the making - 'Hawk Chatlines. :D


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