Mohawks Rock

so freshmen year i had a hawk and all the jocks there made fun of me and talked hella shit i have been since been expelled from that school 2 years later i go back and visit my old friends there and now all the jock got those small hawk things and they are died red the funn thing is that is a big conterdiction to all the shit they said to me be for i guess they are "faggots" as they say to now

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bad spelink ant grammer is nun confrmizt.........
lmao, too good
But replying with LOL is very conformist, so instead I'll say UDC: Uproarious Drunken Cackle!
lol sheeple
Thats the world for ya.
I'm gonna burn this motherfucker down someday. Fuck this planet.
um, sure
Good luck.
Planing on moving to Mars?
Lol, generic punk comment.
jock hawks rot my life.they're a inch or two tall and they look horrible.especially on those huge egotistical heads.
i have seen THE MOST jockhawks i have EVER seen i one place today.
see at my school, we have a few guys who do the whole fauxhawk thing, i personally dont like it but who am i to say they cant do what they want amirit?

anyways, went to a big wrestling tournament today, and i shit you not, there must have been AT LEAST 75 guys there with their little head shaved an a hawk 1/2 an inch longer. i couldn't take it.
exactly, same when i was on the wrestling thing, while my mohawk was 4 inches long. oh, and at a few matches i had it spiked and it was allowed because it was flexible


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