Mohawks Rock

Ok, before I start let me say I'm not a nazi, and I don't claim to be a punk.

I'm just wondering why punks hate nazis as much as they do. I mean the majority of society does, but it's like punks take it to a whole different level. What I was thinking was that they hate them because they are racist and hate on other people. But it's kind of hypocritical, because some of the people on this site show the same hatred to nazis and such as the nazis would show to people. Idk I was just thinking about it and thought I would ask.

Again I'm not taking anyones side, I'm just curious.

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Most punks tend to at least have a mild belief in anarchy.
Nazism is Fascism, which is one the most extreme totalitarian forms of governance.
It is, in essence, the polar opposite of Anarchy and the general free-mindedness and openness of punk rock.
Basically, against everything that many of us stand for.
what he said pretty much. generally they're not hated for the fact that they hate. they're hated for the targeting of their hate onto people who are born that way.
The whole idea of punk and the ideals of punks completely conflict with those of Nazis, the same goes for skinheads.
Nazis skinheads aren't skinheads.
It's also accepted that fallout boy is emo, but it doesn't make them emo.
Pop band, kinda catchy music, but utter douches
Fucking probably
they target people for something they have no control over i think is the heart of the argument.

i personally believe that nazis are in the minority and will never have the influence that they once had so there really isnt much to fear. they are irrational and hold on to an archaic set of beliefs that hold no place in today's world.

I actually denounce anarchy as frivolous and unrealistic. anarchy and tolerance are not necessarily the same. as long as people (punks included) hold their beliefs to be superior there will never be peace. I have accepted that there will never be peace but i will try to promote understanding in my tolerance with people.

I find that anarchists who militantly oppose Nazism through censorship and violence become the very system that they hate. I won't lower myself to initiating offensive action against the nazis as they are in the minority and will only start oppressing people when their victims are in the minority.

If a nazi commits a hate crime then they should be dealt with, i'm not arguing that. I cannot support oppression of minorities of any form. I feel like whereas society will use punks and any other subculture to metaphorically use as a punching bag, punks will do the same to nazi to promote a sense of "unity" under an unnecessary illusion of "us vs. them".

I do not sympathize with the ideology of the nazis. However, i will always defend free speech no matter how irrational. People need to distinguish what is worth fighting for and what is worth ignoring.
thank you, you seem to hold alot of my values. its hard disdaining anarchism on a site such as this lol
I guess my point here is that there are always going to be people we know in our lives that would be affected by Nazi's, 'No man is an island'. Much like in the World Wars, the reporting and rounding up of neighbours, even folk who were under simple suspicion were taken.

No doubt, many people caught up had nothing to do with any of the suspicions leveled at them, but had fingers pointed at them for the convienance of state and officials or even neighbours just wanting to get rid of them too for other reasons. Much like the Witch-hunts that lasted for over 200 years in the medieval years of Europe.
so your sayings its fine if nazis kill other people as long as its not you. you might as well be a fuckin nazi. you pretty much just said you only care about yourself.
Are you fucking kidding you think cause your white nazis dont affect you my skins white as can be and ive had nazis attack me and threaten to kill me your not exempt just ignorant. Nazis are not just people with a radical viewpoint nazis seek to rid the earth of their enemys through mass murder. And for those that think nazis arent really a threat cause their a minority wake the fuck up. Rapist are a minority but the damage they cause cannot be described i have seen the actions of one person destroy many peoples lives. I allow all people the right to say what they want but as long as nazis spit out racism and hate i will fight them. I will fight them first with my words and then if neccesary with my fists.


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