Mohawks Rock

Get fit, thats it!
I will post a routine later, this is also part of the more man candy for MR challenge.

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i like drugz weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee y is that girl green
You all sounds like a fire truck. O.o
I just do 50 crunches, 15 push ups, and 10 pull ups before I go to sleep and when I wake up. I also use my moms wiifit boxing, I am a master at it.
I can never do it when I wake up. I gotta eat first
If I do it after I eat it makes me feel sick.
Arnold is a dick, he is all brawn and no tone.
Do you do anything particular for your shoulders, thats something that I need to work on. I usually only do body weight exercises but its hard to find enough body weight exercises to do for your shoulders so I just end up using some dumbbell exercises. But this is my summer routine so far, with only a very few dumbbell exercises. I included some warm ups and moves from Jiujitsu, the martial art I am practicing. The punching routine is a series of punches commonly used in martial arts.

15 minutes jump roping
30 Minutes running
15 Minutes high knees and butt kicks
50 front rolls (25 on each side)
20 Punching routines
40 Burpees with push ups (2x20)
20 Plyo push ups (2x10)('t do these yet)
20 Plant plyos (2x10)(
20 Inverted rows (2x10)
20 Rows
20 Hindu push ups (2x10)
20 Diamond push ups (2x10)
10 Pull ups (2x5)
20 Dips (2x10)
50 Crunches (2x25)
50 Russian twists (2x25)(
20 Cross crunches (10 on each side)
40 Knee to elbows (20 on each side)
20 Hyper extensions
30 Hip bridges
50 Hip thrusts
20 Knee ups (2x10)
20 Leg ups (2x10)
20 Reverse crunches (2x10)
100 Pogo dance jumps
30 Boot strappers
50 Squats
100 Step ups
50 Lunges
50 Wrist curls (25 on each side)

I'm gonna do this every other day for the rest of the summerbefore I eat and then have a whey protein shake. If you workout after you eat you are just burning calories that you just intook. If you eat after you workout the protein goes right to where its needed (your muscles) instead of just being stored as fat. On the other days I am just going to do the workout I did during the school year that I already posted (50 crunches, 15 push ups, and 10 pull ups) along with 25 squats.

Maybe its a bit of overkill but I do not gain muscle easily as I am an ectomorph.
You could try wide push ups and pull ups, and dips help, there are others but meh

I think doing that would kill me....
The hardest part for me is just running 30 minutes. I have very little stamina.
Yeah I have some whey stuff, do they have stuff specifically for gaining weight?
Heres a good no bullshit site.


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