Mohawks Rock

When you first got a mohawk, how did you convince your parents??

Well I think I am ready to get a mohawk, but I am finding it hard to get them on board with my decision. I just like the looks of mohawk! I want to know the first time you asked your parents and what was their reaction??

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Look around this site is going to help you a lot. There was just a bunch of things posted about this like....a week ago.

My advice is to just do it. Most people just do it themselves and there are many tips and guides on how to do that too.

Oh and once you get one, there are lots of "how to" put up a mohawk too, so just look around!
I never asked my parents.

I just went in my bathroom with shears and a razor and went at it.
Don't ask- just tell them you are going to get a mohawk, and go get one. If they have a problem, just remind them that it is just hair. It grows back. Besides, it is your hair. You can do with it what you will.
hair grows back!!!
Dude, show them lots of pictures of them.
Tall ones, short ones, thin ones, thick ones, colored ones, mohawks up, mohawks down, the variety of people that wear them.

let them know what you're after, ya know?
just do it
my brother did mine and when my mam came home she just laughed
the way i got my first mohawk was i was bitching about controlling the mess of hair i had. so my mom suggested a mohawk and that she would cut it for me. been in love with them ever since. hell, my mom is the one that keeps my sides trimmed.
Well, my mom never got to see me with a mohawk. When I got my first one I already lived out of state. However, when I was in high school I used to shave my head and leave my bangs, dye my hair all sorts of funky colors, etc. At first my mom wasn't too sure about the idea but she shaved my head anyways. In my opinion, as long as the kid isn't getting into trouble, any parent should support the decisions a kid makes about their appearance or what scene they want to be in.


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