Mohawks Rock

I've bleached my hair before, in case that wasn't obvious, but recently they discontinued they type of bleach I was using. I was using some powder mix and 40 peroxide from shoppers drug mart but they changed it from what it used to be and made it significantly less effective. Now it's got something added that makes it a pale purple color and smell minty. and it's useless.

So I'm wondering what other people use and how well it works. I used to keep it on for about an hour and it would take mostly all the color out (depending on the color I was taking out.). I've heard the Bleaching kit from Punky Color works really well but I haven't had the chance to try it yet. I'll be bleaching black out so I don't expect it all to come out in one bleaching.

Any info would be helpful. Also, I'm in Canada so anything Canadian or that can be ordered online relatively cheap would be nice :)

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I've only ever used White Out. It works fairly well, and I only left it in for 25 minutes or so.

If you use it over hair that is dyed, it doesn't work as well, though. The dye just lightens up.
I use a bleach kit from Raw.

I know you can buy your own massive quantities of bleach from beauty supply stores! I found some huge tubs the other day haha.
Lol Problem with that is anything from them seems to be insanely overpriced.
Ah, true.

I think the prices of what I was looking at were 30/bucket of powder, with the activator sold seperately.
In the long run though, it might save money because it's bulk, when here, at least where I am, the small bleach kits by raw are 13.77 (price including tax)
Some stores do offer discounts, too. :-)
I'll have to look around and see if I can find any. How well does it work?
my guess would be fairly well, since they are supposed to be for professional use.
I haven't used the massive quantities, since I don't have to space to store it.

I think you'd just have to measure out what you need and use like normal
Okay, Thanks :)
Not a problem!! If you have friends going to school for hair dressing, I would definitely ask them. haha
Monique to the rescue!
you could totally rock a cape!

only, it would have to be fabulous, you know, to match your super skills!
I've never heard of Sally Beauty Supply, sept for a few time's on here. So I'm assuming they are an American franchise. Do they have an online store or an I just SOL?

P.S. I'd totally love to see you in a cape :D
okay, you are saved!

I dunno if this will work for you. If not this one should.


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