Mohawks Rock


So I'm getting my first mohawk in a little under two weeks :D
My hair is naturally dark-brown, and I want my mohawk to be blue, hopefully this sorta colour:

(image courtesy of a Google search :p)

So the question I have is, how would I achieve that colour? Would I have to bleach my hair very blonde and use a dark blue dye, or bleach my hair just a little lighter than it is and then use a bright blue dye? And is it the norm to use semi-permanent or permanent colour dyes?

Thanks for indulging a newbie! :)

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I was gonna do it myself, more amusing/cheaper and all :D
If I were you, I'd use 40 volume bleach and let it sit till my hair looked platinum. Then dye it blue.

If you dye it using a lighter blue and just a bleach it only a little lighter, it'll come out green.

Thats what I did with my hair (I was aiming for the same goal, bright blue) and it turned a calm green. (Which I'm currently rocking right now)
what color/brand dye did you use? sometimes the bottles just look blue or have a bluish name, but are supposed to be green-y. haha
A while ago I bleached and dyed the tips of my hair with Color Fiend. It was supposed to be their semi-permanent dye, but the blue lasted 3 or 4 washes before it became this minty green color. It stayed like that for about six months until I got sick of it and dyed over it with RAW pink.

So I don't know what David used, but Color Fiend has got my hair before.

I hate colour fiend (not all of it is bad, but I find it obnoxious for the most part, I had a blue that wasn't happy with me, the alcohol based one. the water based blue came out nicely though - boss gave it to me!). I love the raw pink though!!!
Raw has a pretty turquoise color now, that I was going to use for mr. khaos's prom, but he changed his colors on me. When I get to use it, I'll let you know. I'm excited, and if it sticks like the pink, i'll be in love hahah.

I did find with some dyes, I had to touch it up after a week of washing (to get a base color going) and after that the fade rate was really slow (electric lava by manic panic was an exception to this - it faded and washed out with in a few days).
But after you have the base color in, chances are coloring it again, will make it stick and more vibrant. =] fun little trick!!!

I think that is the water based dye from color fiend. I know for sure, it was a newer color when I got it (this is around december).
The alcohol based one was just dingy looking. If I find a pic of that, I'll throw it up here.
I know the other ones in my pictures (when my hair was really tall, black, and I have yellow pants) was fishbowl, by special effects. <33
I've never really had much of a problem with the original dye washing out (now that I use RAW). If it does that on me, I'll have to keep that in mind.

Do you know if it works using a different base color? (For example, putting in purple, washing it down, and then re-dying it blue instead)

By the way, your necklace is absolutely is the hair!
it might, but it's highly unlikely (most purples are made to be darker than blue, etc). I think if the base is the same color as the dye (like if it faded, etc) then you'll get a more accurate color if you use the same color over it.

Raw is really good about that :D, but even if you just want to keep the color bright, it's a good trick, and quick too. (I don't keep the color in for more than 15 minutes on average).

Special effects/raw are my favorites by far. Definitely keep those in mind ;-)
I just bought punky colour, so far so good! And it's cheaper than the other dyes I sell. haha but a lot of people use it and I've heard good things about it. They have a nice array of color, too.

**ooh thank you!!! that little guy is my favorite
If you're using a dark blue dye, you don't have to have white hair.
What that looks like (coming from coloring old bleached hair combined with freshly bleached hair A LOT) is that he bleached his roots (which were probably dark, considering) to try to match his hair and make it entirely ready to color. Then he used a single color to achieve that awesome shade of blue.
It's definitely a darker shade of blue though (having fresh/virgin roots help make the hue more vibrant and brighter).

But if you're going to do a rinse - you actually will want to do a light color first, then the dark color (because the light colors don't contain bleach and will virtually be invisible on a darker shade in its class). The dark color can go where you want it to, and it's more controlled. If you don't do it that way, you might get a slight tint if you use two different colors (example, orange and pink), but I wouldn't recommend it.

I sell a lot of dyes at work, and have experimented with colors and ideas endlessly.
Sometimes it well depend on the brand, but most off colored dyes (not boxed color found at CVS) work well on chemically treated hair. The lighter the color you want to achieve, the more blonde/white your hair has to be.
the color in the picture looks to me like the exact color i use when i go blue.. the reason it looks darker at the top then at the roots is because of the product in his hawk..mine does the exact same thing when i put it up. if his hair was dry and down in the sun it would all be the same color as his roots allover..
So I got my mohawk today :D

I bought a volume 40 lightener as well.
What I'm not sure about though is how to only bleach my 'hawk without getting it on the rest of my hair (the sides are a number 2). Or maybe I'm over thinking this and it's just a case of do it and don't worry...suggestions?
dude, ive never bleached the sides of my head while bleaching my hawk (if i didnt intend to i mean) its very simple.. you just gotta take your time and if you do drop any or make a mistake just wipe it off with a wet rag as soon as it happens..

use a powder bleach because the mixture is usually thicker and stays where you put it


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