Mohawks Rock

Does anyone have special hats?
Modified hats or hats that are just special to you for some reason.
Pictures if possible

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my trilby best £1 i ever spent!!!!
i origtinally bought it coz i was dressing up as a rude boy for a fancy dress thing at volkswagen festival
but i do oftenly wear it
I will have to get pics of my friends hat, it's probably the best thing ever.
Personally i want a pimp hat.
Oh shit you hit my soft spot. I love hats dont know why but I do. Ive owned alot of headwear in the past viking helmet, police hats, hard hats, beanies, painters caps, baseball hats, mesh hats, sunhat, bike caps, army hemets from america, russia, and germany the list goes on and on. Usually though I just wear a mesh hat with the bill upturned and paint the bill. Ive done a number of these usually with political statements like upside down flag, sickle and hammer, zombie soldiers, etc. Current hat has Im going to kill your kids painted on it. Next hats going to have Edgar A. Poe saying ''I like my girls around thirteen'' (for those who dont know Poe married his thirteen year old cousin). Its a statement on how social norms change and how modern society demonizes pedophiles despite that most cultures throughout history have regarded very young girls as being the most attractive. So these mens desires are not exactly misplaced or unnatural. Just food for thought.
I have an antique hat collection, if that counts. My favorite is the beaver skin tophat from late England (though I pitty the beaver...). I have a bunch of spiffy flapper hats/headbands too. I'll take some pictures sometime soon.
I made this hat, few years ago. just look it!

lol.. couldnt resist.. i think i threw it away ages ago though.. got sick of it taking up space in my room

ive got actual hats though :P pretty much only wear them in the winter..
Won it at the fair. Then gave it to my friend Sam who fell madly in love with it.

im not a hat person, never have been. but the past month or so iv had this sudden urge to DIY myself a baseball hat. i dont know why, just an urge. maby ill go pick one up and go apeshit on it.
mah hat! (pay no attention ta the reaper, he's jus' an ol' softy :P)


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