Mohawks Rock

a lot of ppl think chicks with hawks r gay or dykes wtf totaly not true

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I've never been called a dyke, all my mates at college think it's really cool and unique, theres only one guy at my college with a mowie ^-^

All my mates that are guys think im hotter with a mohawks too
my stepdad said that when i first got mine, and he buzzed it for me!
Well i live in southamerica, wich is a bit retro about haricuts and stuff like that buit i have to admit sens i got my mohawk, loads of men think im really sexy and hot.....i havent really got in trouble about it... and i think they think that if im fierce enough to have one... im capable of many things!!!!!
I am a dyke. does the mohawk just confirm it? haha
I can somewhat agree with that.
I've been hit on my numerous chicks ever since I gave myself a mohawk.

Ha ha.
I have also had a strange experience with straight girls deciding they were attracted to me.
Strange how gender roles play in huh?
i think mohawks make girls look like lesbians D:
but it's sexy.
No... But I wish that were true so I could hit on ALL OF THEM. lmao
Ugh that is annoying. I completely resent that because its not a problem when some random ass famous person decides to shave their head. It's a very peculiar trend, that is, the trend when people are the complete antithesis of who you are, your style, and form of expression until some lady decides to do what hundreds of other girls have been doing for decades on the red carpet. Then everyones "cool" with you. Stupid.
What is it that makes people think just because you have short hair you're gay?
Since my hairs been shorter everyone says ''you look like a lesbian'' and i can't help but saying ''what does a lesbian look like?'' its a weird stereotype. i know lots of lesbians and none have short hair, where did this idea that lesbians all have short hair come from. I was never asked with longer hair, for all anyone knows i could have been, but no-body considered it.
no, i have one and i'm not, it just really depends on how you wear it really.
people are gonna think what they're going to think, whether or not you have it anyways.
first off i have never seen the word "dyke" used so much in a forum thing ! awesome . and just fuck what people say . they are ignorant pricks that just want something negative to say to make them feel better about them selves for some fucked up sick reason .which most of us have all encountered before just cause of the way we dress, are hair ect . just cause we look different . just fuck them. to the topic though its backwards for me cause i like grrls but everyone that meets me automatically thinks im some mean skinhead punk grrl . lol hahahaha i find that hilarious . when i goto gay bars everyone either thinks i walked into the wrong bar or thinks im just there with my gay guy friends hahaha. but i dont" look" or "dress" like im gay. i look like a punk . so that really confuses me why all these people are thinking grrls with hawks are gay . i dont even know any other gay punks but myself .


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