Mohawks Rock

I'm going in this Saturday to get my hair done. I want a chelsea about 6 inches with cheetah print on the sides my concern is it will be my first experience with a hawk and I was wondering if it's possible to part it down the center to kind of hide it if I need to or if for some reason I don't want to put it up that day. Or if there was any other way to camouflage it easily if need be. Sorry if this post is redundant I didn't see any asking specifically about center parting. Any advice would be awesome, thanks.

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I've always thought that the way this girl does her hawk is really awesome as far as great when its up but probably hides fairly well when its down. Might be a great first run-through on the mohawk too.

I've always loved this chelsea, but it looks like it takes alot to spike up. I'm just too plain lazy.
That's a stunning haircut! :O Awesome!
I just let mine hang to one side, it looks like a shot bob on one side and just the buzzed on the other. Its not too bad, however I still have my natural hair color. If your mohawk is cut wide enough, then you probably can pull off the middle part. If its a huge concern, consider clip in extensions. Otherwise, bandanas and headbands and scarves et cetera are your best accessory now :D

some pics:

Do the sides poke out? Or do you gel/wet them down first? The pigtails are fantastic. When my hair's long enough I'll definitely be stealing borrowing your idea. xD
Thanks so much! Great advice, I will definitely be trying some of these. The bob thing and the pigtail thing seem pretty awesome. Might post some pics on the before and after thread! Hells yea finally getting my hawk!
i normally just wear it down, you can see the shaved sides if its moves right but other than that your fine :D
well honstly, i had a mohawk for ages and always wore i to the side when down, but reently i got a chelsea and i find its easy enough to just tuck it up into a beanie when i don't want it up.
I usually wear a red and black striped beanie when my hair's greasy, otherwise I tie it up into a Japanese top knot. I have curly unmanageable hair so I look like an extra from Braveheart when I let it do what I want. Either that or I dress like this...

sexy, i think it's the kitty ears that are really workin it over here
Meee--oww! =^.^=
It really depends on how long your hair is going to be. And how thick your mohawk is.

Wander on over to the girl hawks group! ORRR! Use the member search feature to search for female members only. And check out their photos.

I usually just wore pony tails (my hair was pretty long, haha) or used a smallish clip at the top of my head, a few inches back from the chelsea half and let it fall from there...after straightening it. Haha. Honestly, most people couldn't tell one way or another that I had a mohawk unless I was skinned (rarely) or if my mohawk was an entirely different color.


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