Mohawks Rock

What kind of attention does your mohawk attract?

First off, I'd like to say that Im going to be hacking myself a mohawk this summer. I plan on doing the duct tape method. I'd do it sooner but I plan on getting a job in a month or so. I figure if they already have me hired and THEN I get a hawk, they wont get rid of me.

But I was wondering what kind of attention your cut gets. Im sure you get plenty of it , but what kind. Good, Bad, Enthusiastic, tell me your experience.

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lol, I laughed at you saying you'd ask people if it's normal to touch your hair without talking to you.. that's so rude. I know I shouldn't care about their opinion.. and for my piercings, I didn't people judged me because I have a ton of piercings. I work in a 8 to 5 desk job, so people get really surprised and gossipy about anything extraordinary.. or even ordinary. I'm starting to get used to it, just trying to get past the shock.. I'm starting to like it more =)
This year I'll be attending Manchester Pride dressed as a 1920's gangster with a rainbow mohawk, so chances are it'll draw media attention.

If I do get papped d'you want me to link to the pic?
i get bad attention only, i live in a part of australia populatd by 905 derros and general dickheads, its all i can do to not get into a fight daily, but its not as if i didnt know what i was getting into when cut it haha.
also that was meant to be 90%
Yesterday night the first person so far had the guts to honestly tell me he hates my hair, in a normal way, and it actually made me happy =D. Not because I like it that he hates my hair, but because he didn't shout it at me, didn't use any swear words and just simply accepted it that I do like it.
Well, this is my new glittery rainbow 'hawk. Let me tell you the attention it grabbed yesterday was legendary! Bear in mind I was also wearing a pinstripe suit with patent shoes...

I like.... :).
I've gotten tons of compliments from the older women at the bar I frequent. They'll come in the next day, heads shaved, asking me how to put it up. I also get a lot of rude hand gestures from preppy girls/boys. Apparently my hairstyle comes with a bad attitude. xD But most of the questions are along the lines of: "How do you get it up?" "Can I touch it?" "Will you take a picture with me?" Once, some guy brought his grandchildren over to take a picture with me. That was hilarious.
The worst part about some pictures is that you never get to see them again. My solution has been to ask those taking the picture to ask if they'll please upload it to Even if they cant remember the URL, I just tell them to google 'mohawks'. I've had quite a few people get some of them back to me since I've done that which is great.
The funniest reaction was when my boyfriend and I were walking downtown (we both have hawks) and someone called us both lawnmowers. hahahha
lawnmowers!??? what the fuck??? that is hilariously the most random thing I think a mohawked person could be called
i have been called ollies and also lawnmowers and an axe, texas mohawk massacre, buzzsaw,headache,mullet?,dickhawk? soooooo many wtf names lol why they think it sound funny i have no idea its embarrasing even for me lol


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