Mohawks Rock

Just thought I'd post a list for the top 10 countries that visited the site in the last 3 months from May 15 - August 14th.

  • 10) Italy
  • 9) France
  • 8) Sweden
  • 7) Belgium
  • 6) Australia
  • 5) Netherlands
  • 4) Germany

Anyone want to take a guess at the top 3 before I reveal them?

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1. US
3. mmmmm no clue haha
i know! it was prussia wasnt it!
US, Spain, UK, In that order, I think.
The answer is:

1) USA
2) United Kingdom
3) Canada

Poor Canada got left off the guessing list, even in favor of the non-existent Prussia, which I believe now is modern day Germany, at least the northern part next to Poland.

Oddly, enough Spain was given a vote but they aren't even in the top 10. Guess their bull fighters don't like mohawks.
Based on size of population and the cultural backgrounds of these counties, I'm not at all surprised. I have noticed that Latin American countries seem to have a disdain for mohawks. Anyone have a clue as to why this is?
that is weird, and i know they listen to punk in south america, cuz i know the listen to punk cuz i talk to them on the site i work for! and i know they have punk bands there, cuz i saw one on Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations (i love that show, lol). so idk, maybe they don't have good hair for it or something.
ahhhh canada! how could i forget canada? :P
2 out of 3 in the right spot is not bad at all CorpseQueen
Damn i was way off in thinking iran, iraq, and afghanistan =p
Thanks for the humor. Brightened my day.... :).
Surprisingly all 3 of iran, iraq and afghanistan have had visitors at some point in the last 3 months, albeit not many.

Of the main Asian countries, Turkmenistan, Mongolia, Laos and (very not surprising) North Korea, have not been 1 of the 139 countries worldwide that have now visited the site. I try to update the map at the bottom of the front page every few months, so get on your friends in those countries :)

I actually assume that pretty much all islamic women rock the mohawk, thats why their awesomeness has to be hidden in public.
HAHA! Don't say that, you'll start getting people tempted to go around ripping of thier Burkahs again!

I bet all the Iraq and A'stan visitors were servicmen or or somthing!

Also, I wanted Russia to be on the list =(


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