Mohawks Rock

So, what does everyone like to read here? I just got done with LOTR (nerdy, I know) and I need some new material! I like Bradbury, David Sedaris, Nabokov, S. King, Irvine Welsh just to name a few. I was thinking about Clockwork Orange, but after skimming a few pages I was turned away by the writing style. WTF is he talking about?! baaaaaah.

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i had to read night my freshman year, i love that book. intresting enough i failed the class and got to read it again haha.
Yeah my gf's family was in a siberian camp, my grandparents in a polish camp, and my dad and other grandparents were in a japanese camp. the atom bomb actually saved their lives, funny story.
lets see some more books i pulled out off my shelves that i really enjoyed are:
electroboy by andy behrman
the lovely bones by alice sebold
ordinary people by judith guest
and if your into textbook-esqe books i very much enjoyed corpse: nature, forensics, and the struggle to pinpoint time of deathby jessica snyder sachs. took me a very very long time to read but i love learning about that stuff and it was well worth the time in my opinion!
I like political satires...1984...brave new world...animal farm.

Enders game by orson scott card is also a really great book.

sorry if any of these have already been mentioned.
Did you ever read any of the other books from that series such as speaker of the dead? theyre not bad, but not as good as the first.
speaker of the dead was alright but afterwards they got far too political for me and the book got boring. i need to read a few others. There's a book about ender after the war and one about bean during enders game and bean after the war
I'm reading The Divine Comedy by Dante Alleghieri, i finished The Inferno some time ago...
seems like a challenging read
yeah i know what you mean, i read all the classics when i was a lil kid... The Three Musketeers, The Swiss Family Robinson, Moby Dick, and Treasure Island were all great reads. I'm also hooked on anything by Poe (yeah i know stereotypical) but he was good!

I remember Nietzche lol read a lil bit of his work in my intro to philosphy class, its where/how i learned to argue lol my prof was a bit more of a classical philosopher so we read more Plato then we ever wanted to and not the overrated Republic either... many lovely evenings i spent with my friends torturing them with discussions of Plato's concept of "The Forms" good times good times...

I do think its interesting however that in a movement thats about freedom and equality that women are placed in a lower classification than men are. Its not right, of course, but it just goes to show you that even in subculture people cannot seem to escape EVERY social norm. Its sad really.
IDK i still retain that punk was supposed to be all about freedom and individuality, i dont think that it intended to restrain women but it did, i dont believe that the origins of punk were based on sexism but rather most followers of such a subculture could not escape the culture they were defying completely and thus "gender roles" occurred in that subculture.

I personally could care less how girls wear their mohawks lol its all about doing what you want and looking how you want, pissing off the "normies" is just an added bonus. theres this girl in my town who is a punk but her head is literally shaved down completely and she's cool as hell. Although i will tell you that women themselves aren't completely blameless in the way that they are treated, i know some girls at the shows, albeit they're pretty fake, say that its not right for girls to have hawks period.

Either way you look at it its just bullshit. as society evolves, or in America's case de-evolves new norms and standards will be created and old ones will be phased out... its up to the individual to influence such norms by promoting a higher level of social awareness and tolerance by being themselves.

Through this people will have no choice but to see how diverse people can be and how they will have no choice but to cope with it if not participate if they choose. Its an impossibility to eradicate group identification but at least in this manner people, through the choices they make, can make the world safer and more tolerant of various subcultures.
nothing nerdy about LOTR, ive read the whole series about 17 times, fantastic series
Lord Of The Flies i think is the name of the book n tis amazing if we have any stephen king fans ive read a lot of his books im halfway through dreamcatcher and liseys story


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