Mohawks Rock

My family was alright - everyone pretty much takes their cue from my mum and it was her that first cut my 'hawk. My workmates know, they ask me what colour it's been this weekend as when I work it's always down and blonde.

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that is so awesome...mmm. jello head... lol
I generally get the "Hey look at that guys.... wait... its a girl... cool hair! and wait... look at all those piercings.... Don't those hurt?" And a few glare, others laugh. Some come over and feel the need to pet me >.>
I've had the extremes, my grandmother won't speak to me or make eye contact while I cant get others to leave me alone.
A lot of the time, I'm called a Dyke. I don't mind, as I find it amusing, but I too blame it on where I live. Here, the place is small and very rarely you'll find anyone really 'different' walking through town. Every now and then though, someone will compliment me about my hair. =]
friggin hell that sounds scary. if there's one thing that scares me, it's god botherers
I get the "Is it a boy or a girl" thing a LOT.
But I got that before I had a hawk, too.
I guess I kinda dress like a guy, so....
I love it though, especially when straight scene girls start hitting on me.
I get that kinda reaction, but that pretty much goes with being androgyne.
i get mostly positive remarks about it and a lot of questions about how i get it to stand up.

today i was taking pictures for my photo class and two adorable little girls looked at me and told me i had "cute" hair. they couldnt have been more than 5, so it made me smile. it was surprising though because normally parents give me dirty looks (probably because they think ill influence their child), but their dad gave me a thumbs up lol
I just showed my dad my hawk... And he shook his head and told me I was crazy... I thought he was saying it funny... But he was serious... Like he is mad... My mom is a hairdresser... She doesn't know yet... But yeah... My dad literally is mad!
i get a lot of looks of course
old people and lil kids seem to be scared of me.
my friends have not really changed
i dont have mine up to much i dont have the money for hairspray
when i showed my father pictures he said... different but if you like it so do i.
and my mum... she utterly hates it
and my brother i live with thinks its cool
my 3 best mates LOVE it =]]
I get a lot of attention with mine. Mainly because ima black girl with a mohawk lol But the boys Love it. They say im sexyBold
I could've sworn I replied... Eh, ah well. Pretty much every reaction I've gotten -up or down- has been a positive one. I get a lot of compliments about it actually. o-0


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