Mohawks Rock

I thought we should all get to know each other here, maybe get more members in the group and on the network. Maybe we should even have a meet-up.

I'm Eloise/El/Ellie/Elliebee, I'm 16, and I live in in Norwich, England.

Your turn.

Views: 659

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Chris, 20- living in London right noq but going to uni in Norwich in September.
hello I'm Simon from sunny old Suffolk, just scrolling down I see there are a few others in East Anglia, hello to one and all :D
I had to get a copy of my birth certificate at the town hall, waiting the 3 hours in the little park next to it was a memorable one, the park was great and so were the bums.. From what i could understand they were highly amusing.
Chris / Searley / 'that lad' / Whatever you all wanna call me.

i live in...a crap town. ha.
hi iam sean 33 and should know better!!.... from manchester!!

out ya wanna know get in touch :)
Hi well im gav/gavin .
18 from feltham (west london).
Pretty fresh to the punk scene so would love to get into it more.
wanna knnow anything else just ask :)
hey, laura, 33, from the grim north, shithole village full of junkies and inbreds, saving up to get out of dodge!
Lol This is like a meeting for alcoholics... Im Mike, 21 and i live in Bucks, and im not an alcoholic.... yet lol =D
Heyaa, Irene, 19, Sheffield! (although I'm not English, just live in England - I'm actually Spanish lol :P )
hey, im preslav and i originally come from bulgaria but i live in the uk now. i currently hate the weather, im dying for a beer and a concert. i was told today that the sex pistols experience arent coming to brighton cause there werent enough tickets sold (7. total.) so i felt emo :D
bloody hell.
cheers, guys!
hey, i'm ox from bury st edmunds postcard town from just out of cambridge full of old ladies and monastary ruins, fuck all in the way of punks round here but me and my mates do what we can to keep the scene going anyone fancies meeting up for a drink or a smoke or whatever drop a line
hey ox i use to live there as for the old ladys nothings changed lol is the nut shell pub still there ?


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