MohawksRock is a community of extreme hairstyle enthusiasts and much much more.
The mohawk stands tall among the many and varied hairstyles but we have plenty of bihawks, trihawks, liberty spikes, chelsea hawks, death hawks, dread hawks, reverse hawks and many more hair raising styles. Whether its how to spike it, shave it, style it or color it, we have a vast community of people in our blogs, forums and groups ready to give you advice.
Now with 2000+ photos of mohawks and other punk rock hairstyles, you should have no problem stimulating the creativity and energy it takes to rock your very own extreme hairstyle. Then when you've found your favorite style, photograph it and upload it for the rest of the community to see, rate and comment.
Finally we don't just stop with the hair. As the community has grown, being viewed in 139 countries across the world and across an eclectic group of individuals, all discussion is fair game. It may be about squatting, vegetarianism, technology, music, politics, toy trains or skanking styles. If you are strong enough to rock a mohawk, you are strong enough to speak your mind in this diverse vibrant community.
Last updated by Giant Mohawk Man Aug 28, 2008.
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