Mohawks Rock

i get it randomly, and quite often. it's kinda creepy.

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haha >_> i like it too.
to fucking much. i wanna kill em sometimes, and then other times it'll be some hot ass chick so i figure, eh why not.
haha thats skully for ya. :)
haha ya. what can i say?
err time i wear it... i dont like peoples greezy hands all over my head, at least people who dont know me
all the fuckin time. really random people will just come up to me and touch my hair, it doesnt bother me if they ask but they usually dont and it pisses me off.
I get a lot of people just randomly walk up and touch. I don't mind at all if someone wants to touch it or grab it or even molest it for a few minutes. I personally think its pretty cool that they are interested. Most people now walk up and touch the sides because I've got a checkered board pattern on it and for some reason they are amazed by it.
i was just saying its creepy when the sneak up on you.
wow, you guys all seem very unlucky about this one.
People never feel the urge to touch mine really. Except for when I'm out, buying food or hair spray. Then they usually walk up and ask, especially when I'm buying hair spray lol.
But that's it. People are more fascinated about how much hair spray I have to use.
yea, I can imagine it being annoying, if they just grab it. Luckily that doesn't happen to me lol.
hahah i love touching peoples mohawks.
i have no idea why either.
mohawks are just awesome
in school i stopped putting it up because everyone kept touching it, besides the getting shoved into lockers and people wanting to fight/beat me, but outside of that its usually not to frequent except by drunk/stoned people. Although when its down some people still touch it saying its like a horse.


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