Mohawks Rock

i fucking love taffy and butterscotch.
who else loves to rot their teeth with sugary goodness?

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the smell of licorice makes me joke
shit is NASTY!!!
very serious. my dad likes to buy huge tubs of licorice and my whole family will follow me around eating it or blow the smell in my face. they find it amusing -.-
never heard of em..
would have been easier to say "Who doesn't like candy?"


I am a sucker for sweets of all kind despite their horrible track record with maintaining health =p Chocolates of all kinds...especially Canadian candy bars! They have amazing shit that is not here in the states! Some are working their way down now like Coffee Crisp but many others remain unknown. Aero, Crunchie, other flavors of coffee crisp, numerous kit kat varieties, Caramilk and so on.

Other candy that is not chocolate is good too...taffy, caramels, hard candies of the fruit variety, suckers, warheads, NERDS!!!
I've enjoyed Marshall Fields' Frango Mint chocolates since I was in college in Chicago. Fortunately, even though the Marshall Fields department store chain has been gobbled up by Macy's, Macy's had the wise sense to keep stocking Frango Mint chocolates. I limit myself to no more than 2 per day. They now come in several varieies, but the original is still my favorite. Frangos beat Godiva hands down.
BTW, Marshall Fields State Street flagship store also used to have a little place called Strawberry Fields (take off on the Beatles classic) where they served all kinds of strawberry concoctions. Mmmmm, mmmmm, good.
BTW, even though I enjoy sweets, I've been cavity-free for 50 years. I have no idea what a cavity feels like, or what it's like to have a filling. I have really good teeth - I've accidentally bitten through silverware with no damage to my teeth. sucks XD ive got a mouth full of fillings. i hated brushing my teeth when i was little haha. right now one of my fillings is loose and i have no health insurance so i cant get it alot!
Guess I was born with good genes. I smoke, too, and my blood pressure and cholesterol are both in the low-normal range. I do eat healthy foods and a have a balanced diet. The main thing that worries me is Alzheimers, which runs in my family....
for the sweet fans prepare to get jealous, at my mums wedding every available surface was covered in sweets, it was heaven, we had black jacks, flying saucers, fruit salads, malteasers, lollys, marshmallows, strawberry laces, all kinds :) ohh, and liquoice assorts, i'm not keen on liquorice but i love the berty bassetts :)

i love wine gums, and all purple sweets. and jelly babies, jelly beans and oooooohhhhhhhhhh, sweets!!!!

i still think it's funny that americans say 'candy' and we say (english) sweets, i love it
I love pretty much all candy.

well licorice is gross.

I dont concider it candy.
What do you people have against licorice? I kidna like it.
Favorite candys include, but not limited to, Swedish Fish and Milky Way. OH! and pretty much everything else. Except things with coconut. I hate coconut.
Mmm...coconut macaroons coated in chocolate... I also like Milky Way too; Snickers; Twix. Love those little chocolate white mice & pink piggie heads on occasion and if I'm anywhere near a chocolates tin it won't last long. XD

Oh, and StarBursts are nice!


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