Mohawks Rock

One of our members, Kam (the maker of the Turkey Hawk/ mohawk) just pointed out this awful story about a 4yr old not being able to return to school until his dad cuts off his small mohawk. Digg the story and let me know what you think about this. Sad that we'd be teaching kids to be uniformed mindless and not to be creative, at 4 years old!

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I remember a story like this on some news show over here.
This 8-9yr old kid had a 5 inch hawk and they wouldnt let him go to school with it even when it was down.
That was ages ago though.

I go to school with mine up.
I think if a four year old can show that much expression and individuality, he should be allowed to have it (:

I'm just lucky that my school lets me keep mine up... I just can't put spikes in it though...
Well said Metal Tits. This reminds me of the scene in Equilibrium (the movie where emotion is illegal) and he starts to look around at how all the other desks look exactly the same and because he's off the government regulated drug he starts to arrange his desk differently which alerts government officials that someone may be out of "their" order.
that is a load of fucking horse shit, i HATE people like that, they r pretty much picking on a little kid for being different and yet arent they supost to stop that shit and teach equality and dont pre school i have lil ducks and shit on the walls and bright colors that is prob more distracting to a 4 year old then their classmates hair, we might as well paint the world gray and shave every1s head and dress every1 in hospital gowns bc of the way 90% of the narrow mindes ass bags in the world think... sorry this shit pisses me off
man thats pretty lame - i could slightly get it if it was like a 5 inch mohawk on his head but it isnt its barely even a tuff of hair on his head.

i had this problem im in 6 form where you can "wear what you want" but 6 months into having my mohawk i was told that if i came to school with it spiked up again id be expelled so now i have to have it flat cos we can wear hats either.
i work at a elementary school and have to wear a hat everyday.
it reminds me everyday how my own hairstyle is inappropriate.
come on that's not even a Mohawk so much i like seeing something that's not a stupid fake racist story on the news though and if my school said i cant have my 'hawk I'll just give 'um a fuck u break something and not go back
thats fuckin stupid who are they to tell you how to look. last time i checked this wasnt a communist nation. but hey i used to get similar shit for wearing black lipstick and black eyeliner they nevr attempted to expell me but they would stick me in in school detention so eventually i jus said fuck it an stopped goin to school an then dropped out and got my GED and i dont regret any of it.
I got my first mohawk in kindergarden and most teachers were pretty cool with it but for some reason some were not. I did get a hard time from a bank last week becaues my ID didn't have a mohawk so she tryed to tell me it wasnt me when I was cashing my check.
i lmost got expelled for having a mohawk and my mohawk was like 3 inches i hate skools there bullshit
fuck man! that happened to me! the fuckin VP took me into the bathroom and combed it down! it's the dumbest fuckin thing! i hate my school so much man.
who do they think they are? they can't tell us how to look. fuckers.


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