Mohawks Rock

alright everyone time to come clean. speak of ya fetishes name off all you have or think you may have or ones that your curious about. for those of you who think this is a personal subject go fuck yourself dont even bother leavin comments.

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dorian grey is sooo hot yeah
Yes! Dorian Grey style is the sexiest.
I am majorley into bdsm , i am a sub i love pain and think there is nothing better than being punished by someone who is your master . Being tied up blindfolded and whipped till you bleed. I have been turned on by the subject for as long as i can remember and its now how i live my life got a few scars on my back that arent ever given time to heal. It is not for fun it is a lifestyle choice many cannot understand the reason for the extreme pain , . If you do meet someone whos into this and your not sure make sure that they know your limits. x
Hey now! Busy tonight? lol
haha nice same here except im majorely into giving the pain and being the master.
interesting x
S and M scares me just as much as it fascinates me. Some stuff I've seen is pretty fucking brutal. How far is ppl ready to go really?
after the shit ive seen pretty far lol
Personally I prefer spanking - but I am a domme, more than a sub.
BDSM is heavenly - although D/s adds alot more to the simple sadomasochism, for me, at least.
"gagging on my semen is required
smear it on your face and re-ingest all of the foam
take your final breath.
choking and dryheaving."

-white chapel-

just regular shit for me, not hardcore stuff. it would scare me.
bondage ROCKS!!!!
Sticks and stones may break my bones
BUT!! wips and chains excite me!!
not fetishes..but boots, "extreme hairstyles", body mods, the sterotypical punk and skinhead clothing (honestly doesnt matter if your either to me i just majorly dig the style..bit of a fashion freak <3), zombies, blah blah blah


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