Mohawks Rock

alright everyone time to come clean. speak of ya fetishes name off all you have or think you may have or ones that your curious about. for those of you who think this is a personal subject go fuck yourself dont even bother leavin comments.

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Me too. =]
I don't know what sadomasochist is, masochism yeah I agree on that part.
My fetishes are some styles of boots and trainers. I like someone who grins alot and is cheerfully mischievous. :D
oh yeah, I like pain too, I can't believe I forgot that. Just being scratched really deeply but not enough to draw blood. I don't really call myself a sadomasocist though, but I love S&M clothes! but that's purely fashion.

and being bitten on the neck, it's quite complex really, my turn ons and fetishes etc. i'm strange, i love it!!
i love biting and scratching its the best being rough is awesome
i love to be scratched to the point it draws blood!
i like bondage belts dog colors and leashes, handcuffs and stuff like that lol
whew, theres a lotta freaks here, huh? i mean that in the nicest way possible
Boots and ink.
haha no fetishes for me.. one of my best friends bf... was all about getting a gimp mask his goal in life... things kinda scare me . remind me of pulp fiction,,, spyders caughta couple of flys ... Oooo dear gawd. Whatever floats your boat though.
Fear or Fetish? Maybe a new Hallowe'en taunt... =)
once again, not really a fetish, but more of a major turn-on:
blood and biting
and style!
canes, top hats, pinstripes, tailcoats, etc.
i get so turned on by seeing guys dressed up as victorian style gentlemen, and old english costumes; typical jack the ripper outfits ya know?
stuart townsend as dorian grey in league of extrodinary gentlemen = hottest thing ever


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