Mohawks Rock

with halloween right around the corner, i thought it would be interesting to see what ppls favorite scary/horror/halloween type movies were. personally, i like the exorcist, rosemary's baby, poltergeist, the original amittyville horror, the alien series and my all time favorite...THE SHINING!

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O_o i love your taste in movies.
hahaha don't be so sure =p

While I love horror and grew up on it...I equally love so much other stuff as well. I may even like other stuff more. I think largely horror has sucked since the late 90's.
i think all of those are good except last house on the left. that movie was SOOO bad. i was very disappointed with wes craven.
it was his first film =) I enjoyed it but I think if people see something like Nightmare On Elm Street before this, they think it will be super gory which it is not. Considering LHOtL came out like 12 years before NOES, it is a good film in my opinion.

It is like Texas Chainsaw is intensely brutal on a different level.
i like Vincent Price's films, and Hammer Horrors, i've not really seen many horror films, i'm more into thrillers like Psycho and The Machinist

I've just started watching Silence of the Lambs at college (for my media course) and i like that, even though i've only seen like 4 mintues of it
Me and my girl friend are going to go and see the new Saw movie tommorow on Halloween. I hope it won't be sold out because that'll suck so bad. Hope its better than the last one.
I was not happy with it and it continues the trend of each one being a bit worse than the previous. I really hope they stop after number 6. I think all that needed to be said and done in this movie has been already happened and they should finish it with a bit of dignity before becoming another marketing scheme.
I'm a big fan of the freddy and jason series' :)


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