Mohawks Rock

Let's see some pics of people's hair, and how it's changed over the years, hm?  C:

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second that
couldnt find any pics before this, cause they were all on film. One of my very first mohawks ever

had to get it cut off to get a job

decided to grow it out

growing it long got messed up and started to look a bit odd

decided it was time for a change cause i really missed my hawk from the first time i had it

decided to get some color

it came out wayy to fast, this was just the other day

if your wondering why all my pics are in the same room its cause i just use my webcam and never have a camera to take pictures anywhere else.
love the blue!
love the uncharged - charged photos its like a fuckin flip book haha fuckin rad
i really like the last one.. i do that to my hair sometimes.. but mine oesnt look as good :P
i hacked some off on the first used to be longer
first mohawk cut and hair started dying so had to cut it off
last is newest
holy shit.
is there ALWAYS that much drama here?
jesus christ.
It's just a picture.
There's some pretty cool changes in this thread, it's amazing how much you can change in just a few years :D

as for me, I had dreadlocks:


Then my friend buzzed em for me:


It grew out a bit...


Then some more...


And now..

i like the black one and the green/blonde one. pretty sweet.


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