Mohawks Rock

What do you do when you see someone getting bullied? Do you stick up for them? Do you join in? Do you do nothing?

Whenever i see someone getting picked on, i usually try to stick up for them.
I dont like to see people getting bullied. I know what it feels like, and its not nice.

Anyway, i just wondered what your opinions were.

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i was bullied for a few years by my best friends, it was never anything physical, but more of making fun of me, i was a lot younger, they dident mean harm, but it hurt for awhile. it did do me some good though, im able to laugh at a lot of what people call me, and i usually try adn help thous who need it in that same situation.

i stopped a few guys getting picked on in school, i used to just walk right in the middle of it, say hi to the kid and start walking away with him, either that or just a quick "eh fuck off of him, leave the kid alone" and stepping in on it. its pretty shitty being picked on, especially if you can't do anything about it, but i also really think a lot of kids should start defending themselves, i started near the end of my friendships with my budys(well were still friends, but issues happen and i coudn't talk to them for awhile).its hard but so is life :\


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