Mohawks Rock

i know all you guys have had this problem.
what are some stupid questions youve been asked,and some stories too if youd like to share

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i put my hair into liberty spikes the other day for the first time, stopped to get gas, and the guy working there asked me i have ever charged at anyone with my hair like that. i just laughed because i knew he was just joking around.
to be honest and this may shock everyone but no I have never come across 1 single person that had a negative comment.women always compliment me more now than before I was married''aint that a bitch''.
same here i never get negative comments. though i get the occasional kid who is freaked out of me. it also seems like old ladies think its cool which is kinda odd but whatever. lol i just think its funny when people think they have to say something cool to you instead of being themselves.
lol that about made my day.
The one i hate the most is "what happened to your hair?" i usually just tell them i woke up that way.

A few days ago i was walking to my car in the walmart parking lot and this kinda chubby dude about 16ish just stares, mouth open, and just kinda slowly walks by. it was kinda odd. i'm used to stares but his was a bit different. he was also kinda a hick since i live in a bit of a hicktown.

the other thing i seem to get it a bunch of niknames. like rooster, spikes, spikey, spikers, mr. spike, all other forms of the word spike you can think of. there are others just cant think of them now.
word on the spike names
Can i FUCKING TOUCH IT!?!?! no, Sorry I'm a germaphobe get your grubby paws away. Seriously? Do i look like i care?
lol good call
All i get is, "how long does it take to get it up" depends who's asking lol
lol if its a hot chick to you reply "for you? only a second"
The usual shit: "how do you put it up?" "Can I touch it?" "Get a proper haircut!"

I get far dumber stuff because people can't tell if I'm a boy or girl. It fucks them off right good when I ain't forthcoming with the answer.

My all-time favourite though was the bloke who said "people died in wars just so that you could have your hair like that!" I replied "if that was the case, then why would I want to let that have been in vain?" After much stuttering he just goes "get a haircut!"
far too many to add to the list but i'll just do one for now:
"would you/have you ever used that to fuck a chick?"
i get that way too often


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