Mohawks Rock

i know all you guys have had this problem.
what are some stupid questions youve been asked,and some stories too if youd like to share

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It's sad how people do that. I just don't get how people would find comfort looking like everyone else. Or even pretending to think the same as everyone else.
i always find the most common for me are...
1. how do you keep it up... all those gels and hairsprays you see on the tv!!
2. how long does it take.... about 40 mins if i havent been drinking!!
3. can i touch it... Fuck off!!!
today someone asked me if I could breathe through my bridge piercing if I took the bar out.
I've gotten some pretty random questions and comments on my hair..
I was in the store the other day, and this four year old screamed at the top of her lungs while pointing to me..
"Mom!! Look!!! a unicorn!!"
hahahaha im sorry but when people do that to me i crack up
hmm questions like
How do you make it stand up??(mohawk)
Is that your real hair?
shit like that lol, i just laugh

is your hair real? to which i reply naw i bought it from the joke shop and u glue it on... someone once asked me how i grew it and i just stared at them wondering if they realised how stupid theyre question was

Is that a wig ??
Is that realy YOUR hair ??? ( no i stole it from someone and glued it on my head)
how do you do it ???
What do you use ???
Hairspray really i dont believe you what did you really use ?? -,-
Are you a dyke ??
Why do you look like that ??
I know what you mean. It's just like how can they be so stupid how could it not be real ?? you know i guess they have those Halloween costume wig thingies but you can tell there not real this is just stupid.
i had someone ask me if i suffered from alopecia, and when i said no, they procedded to tell me how disgusting i am and walk
i sometimes where dread extensions and have been asked if they
if i can squirt water through my lip piercing, if tattoos hurt, how i make my hair stand up, how i sleep with my hair various ways, how i eat with my piercings in, and have had people ask for pictures, oh and how i can blow my nose with the metal in it

i have hot pink hair and i was asked "is that your natural hair color?" hahaha i just replyed "um no no offense but u must be really stupid if u think that hot pinks my natural hair color." and the worse part was ive gone to school with this kid sense 1st grade.

i had someone ask me that before too...i told them yes it is, my parents have a rare clown deformity that causes me to randomly grow "crazy" hair colors, tomorrow it might be different....i just never know. but i have learned to live with it and feel that it makes me a stronger person.


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