Mohawks Rock

ive heard alot latley from people that punks dead personally i dont think it is whats ur opinions?

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thats just what the government wants us to think..duh
punks arent dead unless theres no punks.
the fact that you even have to ask a quesstion like this saddens me. this is the longest standing quesstion in punk... and i say fuck it. punk isn't something that can die. just because someone thinks its dead, doesn't meen it is. it could be dead to one person, but alive and well to another. its all about how each person sees it

so no... punk isn't dead, not as long as it is alive to even atleast one person
if anyone was at the rebellion festival in Blackpool a couple of week ago it was easy to see that punk and ska are far from dead :D
im jealous
i wanted to go so bad!
So guys, is it dead yet?
Too bad ur not, pussy.

That hurt dude, cut me deep. 

its taking a nap.
But isn't it high time for punk to move on? For new subcultures?
Punk's not dead, its just old and pissed off lol

The scene is extremely small but its not dead, It just really pisses me off when im trying to have a logical conversation with people and they ask me what music i like , i say punk and some metal, and they are all like "Punk! I love Punk!" then i ask them some of their favorite punk bands, and it kills me to hear them say "my chemical romance, attack attack, asking alexandria, etc...." im like what the fuck, thats what punk means to most people nowadays and it fucking kills me
I know a lot of scene kids, who turned into hipsters then into punks who listen to the the Sex Pistols album once to look credible, didn't like it but walk around in the whole punk garb and proclaim punkxrawk because they like the fashion.Is that okay for you "genuine" punks?


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