Mohawks Rock

So I've heard that people actually keep the same mohawk up for like 3-5 days at a time before redoing it.....How the hell?? I take a shower daily and don't understand the concept of keeping it up in the shower, unless they plan on putting a plastic bag over their hair. (I actually tried this part) So just reply on how you keep your hair up so long...

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isinglass, sugar water or just some hair spray?

Once I got my mohawk up for like.. a month or something like that. If you really want a shower, than make sure that the water wont hit your mohawk.

Dont shower. :) Also you could just wash your bangs and dont shower for like 2 days or something. also sleep on small pillows!

hahaha, use elmers glue and then keep that shit up!!!! also ive had mine up for like...9 days max and took 4 showers during those days and it helps to keep your head outta the shower haha


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