Mohawks Rock

I read a lot about the problems people have with their Mohawks and I am curious...What are some of the great things about having a Mohawk?

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Having it up in the summer keeps your head nice and cool, there's lots of cool things to do with it, you can pretend to be a shark, whack people in the face with it if they're standing just a bit to close behind you...oh there are many benefits.
time saver. goes up quick, can stay up for days. On that note, genitalia jokes are in high supply.
screening device when meeting people, can really weed out the moldy chodes quickly.
distracts from my ugly mug
chicks dig it
I find it therapeutic since I used to be pretty nervous and reserved, the 'hawk helped me adopt more of a "fuck it" attitude (in a positive way).
Fuckn a man. FUCK IT is how us punks live bro. more fuckn power to you man. remember FTW man...better yet...FTFW. Dude if you aint pierced an inked yet...that will give you even more af a fuck it attitude. who gives a shit what people think of us man. FUCK EM ALL!
Yeah, It's like when you put up a Mohawk you're really just giving the world one Big Ass middle finger!
i totally felt that today when i put it up for the first time
Punker...howd ya fuckn feel man...let the world know u dont give a fuckn shit what theythink of ya

My hair is super thick and kinda curly, and having the sides buzzed down to 3/8 inch feels fantastic!! It's especially good when you take a fine tooth comb and scratch the sides ^_^
My hair is the exact same way. I keep hair on the sides mainly cause I have a funny looking head but also cause it adds a little bit of a personality to it. Not sure how short I cut the size as I just turn on the clippers and start buzzing.


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