Mohawks Rock

Lets talk.

I dont shower all the time, do you?

i dont brush my teeth all the time either.

how about shaving? not as much.. i do it when i expect someone to feel me. but other than that no..

what do you guys think? lets talk about it.


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I shower pretty much every day. Unless I know I'm not going out then I won't bother. 

I brush my teeth at least once a day, I aim for the recommended twice per day.

Shaving, I can leave for up to a week, then I get annoyed. I usually do it every other day though.

eh i shower when i feel like it which is usually twice a week  sometimes i get on a kick and shower  more then should be done   and i brush me teeth well try to everyday and  i shave like when you do when i know someone is going to feel me other then that i dont care 

bahahaha.. yess.. good..goooooddd
ah yes, "cunt", i agree with you.. greatly(:

i third this notion 

Brushing more than twice a day is retarded... Unless you're doing it in a sweeping motion and very lightly. Otherwise all your doing is brushing away enamel and making your teeth more and more sensitive to everything. I hope you're doing it correctly or you're gonna feel like a tard when you have to get new teeth put in.

Whut? D:

I brush 3 times (after breakfast, lunch, dinner) a day...

But I have braces so idk if it's different...

If you have a medium or soft brush and you're doing the right motion and the right pressure, you can but i would guess that most are brushing too hard, using the wrong brush, the wrong motions and potentially doing more harm than good.

I don't brush very hard, and I use a kid's brush. >.>


well thats good, i understand why when you have braces why you would want to brush so much. cause ewww.. food stuck..

Exactly. D:


Feels icky.

Then you're probably doing it right and have a nice healthy smile and this pleases me. ^__^


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