Mohawks Rock

im sick of how quickly the #1 shave goes too long and icky and makes me want to get it done, but i wait for it to get longer to make it worth the hairdresers trip.


My question is how long would it take for my head to be fuzzy, not shiny skin bald if i did it myself with a normal leg razor, and not super keen (or may love it! who knows) for a polished head finish for too long


thankyou :)

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it should take about a week for it to become fuzzy if you shave with a razor, thats what i do sometimes

I prefer bic-ing my head. It's nicer, gives you a few extra days in between shaves and so smooooooooth,  but it's time consuming.

I use super fine wet sandpaper for when I want my sides really short. It takes about 2-5 minutes to do and gets a much closer (and cut free) shave than with any razor.

Usually takes about a week for hair to grow back and I need to sand my head again, any longer than that and my hairs too long for that method and I have to use electric clippers.

Haha holy shit sandpaper to the head is the most extreme haircut ever! respect dude!
That shit works, try it! Its like a cheap Smooth Away pad
im shavin my sides tomorrow
It doesn't hurt your scalp? :S it sounds painful!
Not really, more just "uncomfortable," on a scale of 1-10 I'd give it a 3
Are you talking about those sandpaper pads that ladies use to shave their legs?
Thats where I got the idea, but no; get either #180 or #100 grade sandpaper, cut it into strips about 2 inches wide/ 4 inches long, soak a strip in the sink about 10 seconds, wrap it around your finger, and rub your head with it
Oooooh, sounds nice. So gonna try it
I just carry on up my face when I'm shaving. It takes about a week to get an annoying layer of fuzz, maybe less or more depending on temperature.


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